AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2023 has officially concluded. GPS World had the opportunity to visit several booths during the conference and attend a variety of educational sessions while in the heart of beautiful, downtown Denver.
See below for some takeaways from XPONENTIAL.
“Protecting the Homeland: The future of C-UAS” was presented by industry leaders and highlighted capabilities available for detecting, intercepting, and mitigating UAS encroaching or threatening covered facilities, critical infrastructure, and other high-value targets in the National Airspace System.
GPS World stopped by infiniDome to hear more about its solutions, including GPSdome.
“Autonomous Exploration and Mapping of Unknown Environments with UAS” dove into the development of simultaneous localization and mapping, world modeling and exploration-based planning algorithms. This session was led by Eric Thorn, manager in the Intelligent Systems Division at Southwest Research Institute.
Honeywell shared the ground station that it is developing.
While CGConnect has already been launched overseas by Advanced Navigation, its first debut in the United States was at XPONENTIAL.
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