TomTom Releases 6th edition of its Traffic Index
TomTom released the 6th edition of its Traffic Index which reveals that on average, commuters around the world are spending 8 working days a year stuck in traffic.
According to the announcement, the Traffic Index is the world’s most accurate barometer of traffic congestion in 169 cities across six continents. It compares travel times during non-congested hours (free flow) with travel times in peak hours. The Index takes into account local roads and highways. Based on these comparisons, the report has compiled the top ten most congested cities, ranked by overall Congestion Level, in Q2 2013, these were:
1. Moscow
2. Istanbul
3. Rio de Janeiro
4. Warsaw
5. Palermo
6. Marseille
7. São Paulo
8. Rome
9. Paris
10. Stockholm
“We are seeing a clear pattern which shows that congestion levels increase as economies emerge from recession. The traditional responses to tackling congestion, like building new roads or widening existing ones are no longer proving effective. The way traffic is managed needs significant change,” says TomTom’s Chief Executive Officer, Harold Goddijn.
TomTom reports that the Traffic Index is based on detailed knowledge of the global road network and aims to help drivers, businesses and governments manage traffic congestion effectively.
“The findings from the Traffic Index also show that real-time traffic information has the potential to ease congestion in urban areas by routing drivers away from gridlock, and help commuters to make smarter decisions.” added Goddijn.
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