TAG: mobile advertising

Image: GPS World

PoLTE offers indoor/outdoor positioning using LTE networks

April 5, 2016

With the service, media players display a content loop with information specific to the vicinity of the vehicle.

GPS-powered advertising geo-targets moving vehicles

November 4, 2015

Kevin Dennehy Headshot

Why Did Google Scrap Its Location Service?

September 14, 2015

Image: GPS World

Location Intelligence Platform Aims at Local Marketing

June 10, 2015

Image: GPS World

Mobile World Congress Sees Rise in Indoor Location Companies

March 26, 2015

Image: GPS World

Ready for Black Friday: Study Shows Americans Aware of In-Store Beacons

November 24, 2014

Image: GPS World

Mobile Location Data Accuracy Group to Develop Guidelines

July 31, 2014


Location-Based Advertising Getting Higher Visibility

March 25, 2014