Septentrio, SparkFun partner on positioning-based applications
Septentrio has partnered with SparkFun Electronics to broaden market reach and the availability of satellite-based positioning products for integrators in a variety of industrial and emerging sectors. As part of the partnership, SparkFun has released its first product, the mosaic-X5 Triband GNSS RTK Breakout board.
The mosaic-X5 Triband GNSS RTK Breakout features the mosaic-X5 receiver module from Septentrio.
The mosaic module is a compact GNSS receiver that delivers high-accuracy tri-band positioning with built-in technology that is resilient to signal interference, including jamming and spoofing. The SparkFun breakout board enables users to log data as well as control and monitor the receiver via the web interface, without the need for additional code.
The mosaic-X5 Triband GNSS RTK Breakout is now available for purchase via the SparkFun website.
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