Russia blames Ukraine for overnight UAV attack on the Kremlin

May 8, 2023  - By
Image: Screenshot of video posted by Reuters

Image: Screenshot of video posted by Reuters

On May 3, Russia claimed Ukraine had launched an overnight UAV attack on the Kremlin in an effort to assassinate President Vladimir Putin, reported multiple news sources including NBC News and Reuters. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy quickly denied any Ukrainian involvement.

A video taken of the incident posted on social media shows two UAVs aimed at the Kremlin that were promptly shot down.

A Ukrainian official stated the incident suggested Moscow was preparing a major terrorist provocation, reported Reuters. Putin’s office said Russia reserved the right to retaliate and that it regards the incident as a planned act of terrorism and an attempt on the president’s life.

A Russian agency also stated Putin was not at the Kremlin at the time of the incident.

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About the Author: Maddie Saines

Maddie was a managing editor at GPS World.