MAPPS To Conduct Salary and Non-Cash Benefits Survey of US Geospatial Firms

April 12, 2013  - By
Image: GPS World

MAPPS (, the national association of private sector geospatial firms, will conduct a “Non-Cash Benefits and Salary Survey” to provide a comprehensive overview of the major salary data and benefit programs for pay levels from entry level technical positions through middle management.

According to the announcement, the survey is the only one conducted by a professional organization collecting data exclusively among private sector U.S. geospatial service firms. The study has been conducted every three years since 2000. Data presented in the salary survey portion of the report is a useful management tool. By comparing a firm’s salary structure to the regional labor market, a firm principal can determine if his or her organization is competitive in salary and benefits for employees, and benchmark possible under – or over-payment in specific employee categories. This information can also help establish the relationship of positions, or internal equity, within an organization.

This nation wide survey gathers data about employee benefits such as paid time off; health, vision and dental coverage; life insurance; short and long term disability plans; bonus programs; savings plans and much more. The results are reported on a consolidated basis, as well as, by size of firm and geographic region. The results give employers the opportunity to compare their benefit package with those of firms of comparable size and geographic location. MAPPS reports that the survey includes a comparative study of changes in wages and benefits from 2010 when the study was last conducted by MAPPS.

The MAPPS announcement says that in addition, firms are able to use the salary survey when submitting salary information for procurement negotiations. The report will be provided free of charge to participating member firms. MAPPS will make the results available to non-member firms for at a premium price.

The web-based survey, to begin on April 15, will be conducted by Compdata Surveys, an independent third party professional data collection company. Individual firm responses and data will be treated with complete confidence. No MAPPS staff or member will see any firm’s information. Any private sector firm in the United States with a desire to receive the results for free can join MAPPS and participate in the survey. A presentation on the survey results will be offered at the MAPPS Summer Conference, July 22 – 26, 2013 at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine. The survey report will be available for sale to non-members, at a premium price, at that time.

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