Esri ArcGIS map tracks global coronavirus cases
The Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University is tracking the coronavirus, COVID-19, via an Esri ArcGIS map.
The map is updated in almost real time, and it includes a zoomable map identifying confirmed cases of the virus throughout the world. It also includes numerical data on how many cases have been confirmed in each country, as well as deaths and recoveries.
“In response to this ongoing public health emergency, we developed an interactive web-based dashboard hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, to visualize and track reported cases in real-time,” John Hopkins stated on its website. “The dashboard, first shared publicly on Jan. 22, illustrates the location and number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, deaths and recoveries for all affected countries. It was developed to provide researchers, public health authorities and the general public with a user-friendly tool to track the outbreak as it unfolds.”
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