CMTINC Releases Deed Calls Pro Software for iPad
CMTINC.COM announces the release of the Deed Calls Pro software application for the Apple iPad. This app expands on the popular Deed Calls – Area – Perimeter app from the same company. It will let the user easily create a land parcel by entering distances and angles, by importing data in Shapefile or DXF format, or by precise digitization over a background map. It will also create a deed plot from the angle and distance values stored in a text file. For an existing Line or Area Feature on the job map, the app can create a set of deed calls that can be saved into a text file or printed to a PDF file.
According to the announcement, Deed Calls Pro can display the acreage and perimeter of an area as well as label the line segments and corner angles with distance and angle values, respectively. It will let the users easily subdivide a land plot, or combine adjacent land plots into a larger area. Below are a few other highlights of this app:
* Ability to rotate the deed plot to align with the background map.
* Ability to select a coordinate system other than the Lat-Lon-Altitude system.
* Ability to adjust the deed plot using the Compass Rule or the Transit Rule.
* Ability to have multiple Features created on the map.
* Ability to tag the Features with descriptions.
* Ability to attach photos to a Feature to showcase a property.
* Ability to export data in DXF format and send out data files via email.
* Ability to make use of iCloud Storage.
The Deed Calls Pro app is now available at the iTunes App Store.
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