Autonomy evolves

April 15, 2024  - By
Image: Frontier Precision

Image: Frontier Precision

Several technologies — ranging from very mature to nascent — are converging to make autonomous vehicles and devices more useful, efficient, and reliable than ever. They include real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS, inertial navigation systems (INS), cameras, and radar for navigation; cameras, lidar scanners, multibeam echosounders, and a variety of other sensors for data collection; software-defined radios (SDRs) for secure communications; and artificial intelligence (AI) to plan routes, coordinate the movements of multiple autonomous vehicles and devices (including “swarms” of UAVs), and analyze the data collected.

Read this cover story, featuring case studies from Unicore and CHCNAV, interviews with executives at Per Vices and M3 Systems, and images from Frontier Precision and YellowScan.

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About the Author: Matteo Luccio

Matteo Luccio, GPS World’s Editor-in-Chief, possesses more than 20 years of experience as a writer and editor for GNSS and geospatial technology magazines. He began his career in the industry in 2000, serving as managing editor of GPS World and Galileo’s World, then as editor of Earth Observation Magazine and GIS Monitor. His technical articles have been published in more than 20 professional magazines, including Professional Surveyor Magazine, Apogeo Spatial and xyHt. Luccio holds a master’s degree in political science from MIT. He can be reached at or 541-543-0525.