About Todd Walter
Todd Walter is a research professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University.
Posts by Todd Walter
A team of researchers from Stanford University and the University of Colorado describe how they are using relatively inexpensive equipment and sophisticated software and analyses to detect and warn of GNSS jamming and spoofing. Read more»
How Good Are They?Stanford University and Hexagon are investigating the utility of applying ionospheric corrections to decrease the overall convergence time of precise point positioning (PPP). This article looks at the level of accuracy that can be achieved, the latency of corrections supplied in real-time PPP, as well as the location and coverage of the network of stations required to determine the corrections. Read more»
Current Capability and Future Promise
GPS signals are so weak, they cannot be used reliably where they are obstructed such as indoors or in concrete canyons. But if the satellites were much closer, their signals would be much stronger. The low Earth orbit Iridium constellation is already orbiting, and providing a PNT service. This month we learn about its current capability and future promise. Read more»
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