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About Heidi Kuusniemi
Heidi Kuusniemi is the director of FGI’s Department of Navigation and Positioning. She is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Built Environment at Aalto University in Espoo and in the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering at Tampere University of Technology. She is also the current president of the Nordic Institute of Navigation. She received her M.Sc. and D.Sc.(Tech.) degrees from Tampere University of Technology in 2002 and 2005, respectively.
Posts by Heidi Kuusniemi
Innovation: EGNOS in Northeastern Europe
Posted on 18 Oct 2017 in the Featured Stories & Innovation categories.
How Well Does It Perform?We examine the performance of EGNOS in Finland, which lies near the northeast periphery of the coverage area, and how this performance can be improved now and in the future. Read more»
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