Oliver Montenbruck honored with ION’s Kepler Award
October 2, 2018
The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Satellite Division presented Oliver Montenbruck with its Johannes Kepler Award on Sept. 28 […]
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The Springer Handbook of Global Navigation Satellite Systems is now available. Described as “A state-of-the-art description of GNSS […]
Galileo IOV-3 Broadcasts E1, E5, E6 Signals; Russian SBAS Luch-5B in Orbital Slot; EGNOS and Galileo in Emergency […]
The GPS Wing and its contractors have traced the cause of pseudorange errors on L1 and L2 broadcast by the newest GPS satellite, SVN-49, to the manner in which the L5 signal demonstration payload was added to the satellite. Signal leakage between the two input ports of the antenna coupler network for the satellite’s array of 12 helical antenna elements, reflected from the L5 filter and then transmitted, creates a second signal with a delay of approximately 30 nanoseconds, and the appearance of a multipath component. While testing an adjustment to the signal-in-space to minimize the effect of the problem on receiver navigation solutions on Earth, the GPS Wing is interested in hearing from manufacturers and the user community concerning the different impacts of SVN-49 signals on the wide range products and applications in operation, before reaching a final decision on what to do with the satellite prior to setting it healthy.
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