Thank you for the story “LightSquared, FCC Rebuttals Distort Record” (see One thing worth clarifying: you state, “It appears that the purpose of Lightsquared’s satellite service is, now, to provide ancillary service in remote areas not covered by the ubiquitous primary terrestrial network, or in the event that the terrestrial network is destroyed — exactly the opposite of what the FCC authorized and the GPS industry had understood and agreed to.”
I was fortunate enough in 1993 to have three minutes of fame on 60 Minutes in a program about GPS that aired between Christmas and New Year’s that year. Also in the 13-minute segment was a short demo of a GPS PLGR…
Excerpt: “The articles in the May and June issues of GPS World on the origins of GPS by Drs. Bradford Parkinson and Stephen Powers presented a detailed view of the people involved in the development of the GPS Program. This view on the origin of GPS essentially begins with the so-called “Lonely Halls” meeting where Dr. Parkinson and a group of Air Force officers invented the GPS concept that was subsequently developed by the teams of people discussed in some detail.” PLUS: Brad Parkinson replies.
Letters: The GPS history articles by Brad Parkinson; gifts to L5; Paul Cross, GPS World Advisory Board member, bids Farewell.
I’m happy that last week’s article titled “Are You a Professional?” evoked responses from readers. I thought I’d share a couple of the responses I received. Also, I’ve included a good piece on using GIS for commercial real estate market research.
Our readers respond to the cover features in the May and June issues: the two-part special the “Origins of GPS” and Richard Langley’s look at “GPS by the Numbers.”
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