TAG: Johannes Kepler Award

Mark Psiaki received the  2021 Johannes Kepler Award. (Photo: ION)

Virginia Tech’s Mark Psiaki receives ION’s Kepler Award

September 27, 2021

Dr. Y Jade Morton

Jade Morton honored with ION’s Kepler Award

September 25, 2020

Logo: ION

ION GNSS+ 2020 advanced conference program available online

April 16, 2020

Peter Teunissen receives the prestigious 2019 Johannes Kepler Award from ION's Satellite Division. (Photo: ION)

And ION’s prestigious awards go to…

October 1, 2019

The Institute of Navigation presents Dr. Oliver Montenbruck with prestigious Johannes Kepler Award at the ION GNSS+ 2018 Conference. (Photo: ION)

Oliver Montenbruck honored with ION’s Kepler Award

October 2, 2018

Image: GPS World

GPS World advisor honored with ION award

November 6, 2017

Photo: Kepler

Terry Moore honored with Kepler Award

October 9, 2017