TAG: Galileo signals

Image: ESA

Galileo signal component successfully tested for IoT use

February 13, 2023


Directions 2023: Galileo Offers New Services

January 6, 2023

AT&T logo

FCC grants E9-1-1 Galileo request to AT&T

August 25, 2020

Photo: Philipp Berezhnoy/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Galileo-enabled receivers are increasing positioning

May 21, 2020

FCC logo

FCC approves use of Galileo for non-federal official use

November 15, 2018

Image: GPS World

KU Leuven: Galileo signals will become more difficult to falsify

February 13, 2017

2 Galileo satellites join constellation

December 8, 2016

Image: GPS World

Airbus, Lime Microsystems Partner on Robust Galileo Receiver

August 17, 2015

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