An autonomous lawn mower trims the grass in a park in Finland. (Photo: Scharfsinn86/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images)

U-blox updates ZED-F9R positioning module for slow-moving vehicles

June 28, 2021

The ANN-MB series. (Photo: u-blox)

U‑blox launches multi-band antenna series for high-precision applications

September 7, 2018

Image: GPS World

Qianxun SI, u-blox plan to bring mass-market high-precision positioning to China

May 10, 2018

Image: GPS World

u-blox high-precision GNSS module based on its F9 technology

April 27, 2018

Image: GPS World

u-blox F9 platform designed for high-precision mass market

February 22, 2018