TAG: centimeter-level

Photo: ComNav

ComNav upgrades T300 and T300 Plus GNSS receivers

February 2, 2022

Image: the.epic.man/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

SoftBank Corp., u-blox to collaborate on global GNSS augmentation services

November 1, 2021

An autonomous lawn mower trims the grass in a park in Finland. (Photo: Scharfsinn86/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images)

U-blox updates ZED-F9R positioning module for slow-moving vehicles

June 28, 2021

SimpleRTK2B-SBC. (Photo: ArduSimple)

U-blox, ArduSimple partner on cm-level GNSS for mass market

April 14, 2021

Using GNSS guidance to aid application of fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides saves time and money. (Photo: Septentrio)

Harvesting efficiencies: How GNSS guidance improves precision agriculture and construction

March 8, 2021

QZSS logo

Japan’s CLAS positioning service receives major upgrade

December 2, 2020

Photo: Septentrio

Septentrio open-source software and hardware aimed at autonomous applications

October 21, 2020

User receivers often get their GNSS corrections via a subscription service delivered via Internet, satellite or 4G/5G. (Image: Septentrio)

Septentrio demystifies GNSS corrections

April 27, 2020