
FIGURE 1b. Map visualization of the comparison among position solutions computed using only GPS, only Galileo and a combined GPS plus Galileo dual-constellation solution at CU Boulder. (Image: Authors)

Innovation: Monitoring GNSS interference and spoofing — a low-cost approach

August 17, 2022

FIGURE 4. Test road at The Green Village, with three of the five roadside transmitting antennas (TX-3 to TX-5) as indicated. In the foreground, the receiver antenna is mounted on a trolley.

Innovation: A terrestrial networked positioning system

May 14, 2022

Photo: chuyu/ iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Innovation: Self-driving cars in urban neighborhoods

February 1, 2022

Photo: guvendemir/E+/Getty Images

Innovation: Mode N provides alternative PNT for aviation

November 8, 2021

Figure 1. The three station locations. (Image: Authors)

Innovation: Ionospheric corrections for precise point positioning

August 1, 2021

FIGURE 2. Real data collection set-up: Four GNSS U-blox antennas and one NovAtel SPAN receiver antenna on the vehicle rooftop.

Innovation: Attitude determination and RTK positioning using low-cost receivers

June 1, 2021

This is posted in From the Magazine, Innovation
FIGURE 7. Road test trajectory with ovals indicating the approximate locations of GPS outages. (Image: Author)

Innovation: Improved navigation through GNSS outages

February 1, 2021

FIGURE 1. Components of the quadrotor helicopter. (Photo: K. Mueller, J. Atman, N. Kronenwett & G.F. Trommer)

Innovation: A multi-sensor navigation system for outdoors and indoors

November 20, 2020